Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Dreaming of a different day...

So a few months ago I saw in the newspaper an add looking for an HVAC tech. to live full time on Marthas Vineyard. They'd provide moving assistance and competitive pay. Of course this wouldn't be a job I'D take, but Chris. So I showed him the add, half joking, half hoping that we could just drop everything and make a run for it. Forget that we have to be in our house for at least two more years, forget the bills we already can't pay! Or the fact that we have two dogs, cats, and soon to be two children. My mind was spinning!
Ever since my sister and I started reading Alice Hoffman books as kids, you know "Illumination Night", and having vacationed there with family growing up, I've had it in my head that I'd someday own a house on the island where I could walk my children to the beach hand in hand. We'd wake up early in the morning and have breakfast on our farmers porch, and then walk looking for shells. In winter when the island is iced over and empty we'd live huddled together drinking warm hot chocolate and running the wood stove, waiting for Papa to come home safe from his work, because he'd be the most saught after heating tech on the island. We'd be full timers! And then of course we'd look down upon all the summer vacationers and millionares that would ferry over from the mainland in the summer and shrug them away as they left in late August.

Yes, but alas, we put the ad away and we're still stuck here in ole' Goffstown. At least we have the pond...technically waterfront property, right? :)

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