Thursday, January 15, 2009

Starting Fresh

Wow, hard to believe it is already 2009. With a new year I thought I'd make my third attempt at blogging. Maybe this time it will stick? The past year has brought so many changes they are hard to count. Rory just turned one and is quickly coming into her own. Evie challenges me everyday, making it known that she still wants her voice heard loud and clear. It is up to me to keep myself together and remember, that I am helping to mold these little children's thoughts and actions. I am their mother, and their primary source of education about the world.
So many people giving me their advice, negative, positive. I've been torn between following advice, following my heart. Who do I listen to? Am I doing the best I can, or does that mean I am trying but not doing a good job. This is where my mind strays.

So, I have to focus. Focus on life, on change, on love and on happiness.

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