Tuesday, June 23, 2009

When it Rains...

It's really been raining at the Lewis household lately!! Figuratively and physically!
We bought a lemon of a vehicle and hopefully can sell one of our cars to make up for it.
The little girl I watch has become increasingly difficult and has made life in our own home hard to bear.

On a lighter note I have made some positive decisions on our future as far as education. My dream of motherhood and teaching will be combined to home school my girls. This is everything I could have asked for out of life, to live my life with my children and give them the best opportunity at childhood that I can!

Today the girls and I went to a play place in Bedford called Bounce U. Evelyn asked to go down the HUGE slide by herself and she laughed the whole way down. She really surprises me these days! She spends most of her time singing her favorite songs from Beauty and the Beast and the Little Mermaid...repetitively. :) She remembers EVERYTHING, like when I say, tomorrow we will find this story. The next day she will say, "Remember last year, you said we'd find that story.." :)

Aurora is developing such a goofy little jokester personality. She shrugs her shoulders, repeats every word we say, and loves to Shake and Bake to Papa. She also attempts to sing with her sister, but usually catches the end phrases like "Wooorrrlld," "Liiiiiiife" She is wanting to always be naked and asks to be "Nake Nake" Still trying to get rid of her "B" (pacifier) but not sure how to go about doing so without tantrums.

I'll try to post more on what we do day to day so I have a record as for their schooling as well as for them to look back and say, "Ah yes, this is why we are so messed up! Thanks Ma!"

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